Sunday, May 25, 2008

Hello, to the animal lovers!

I am a 4th year University student, studying physical geography and environmental issues. If I ever grow up, I want to be a highschool teacher (Biology and Geography). This blog is supposed to give the people I meet online a glimpse of what and who I'm raving about in my animal forum posts.

Here are the main Perps of animal fun in my life right now...
Sunday is Bunny day, so... Here's Slatey, and the Anonymous Bunny.

The Anonymous Bunny is part of the Witness Protection program; thus his name can't be revealed at this time. However, I am working on him , to find out his real name. I''ll let everyone know what it is as soon as I find out... He is the brown and white bun. He likes strawberries, dandelions, jumping around madly, and stomping on my felines.
Slaty is a well-behaved bunny gentleman, who tries to squish himself into the floorboards, hoping for a pat. We have in-depth, snuggly conversations with our noses. He twitches his nose like crazy, and I make little breathy huffs, and try to grind my teeth like a bunny. As I haven't been bitten yet, I think he appreciates it. He is named Slaty Greywhacke, in reference to the geological formation.
Naming bunnies after rocks goes down better with geologist fathers who were not consulted before the bun came home. My Dad calls him "that "whacke" rabbit" .
I hope to actually write regularly on my blog this time. Diaries are supposed to be therapeutic, but I have never managed to maintain a diary for any period of time. Blogs are better though; they've got pictures!!! (I'm not talking stick ppl, either)
I will put up animal pics that I like, really interesting news, and yuo-tube clips that you can't live without. If supper turns out OK, a recipe or two might show up (don't lay bets on that though!)
Let's call this a work in progress :)